Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health and Beauty

international health information Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health and Beauty. the reader already knows all the aloe vera and its benefit for us? if not I will share complete information about aloe vera for you all.

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aloe Vera
Properties of aloe vera for beauty treatment and has been known since ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. In fact, the famous queen Cleopatra with her ​​beauty uses this plant is believed to still look beautiful. Aloe vera leaves which are large, generally has a length of about 30 cm. In the leaves have a slimy flesh, this is a rich part of the benefits for humans. The older leaves of aloe vera, the more useful content it has. Want to know what are the benefits of aloe vera?

Beautiful with Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known to make the hair into the hair becomes soft, so beautiful. Perhaps these benefits we have heard since childhood, we often recommended using aloe vera for beautiful hair. That is why many shampoos that use aloe vera extract in their products. This benefit is derived from glyco protein content. When you have this plant at home, you can use it in a way to peel the skin and then rub the meat into the scalp and hair to become fertile and beautiful hair.

Lignin is the content contained in the leaves of aloe vera that is useful to keep the skin moist so the skin does not become dry and supple, it is also useful to prevent the wearer's skin allergies. Coupled with the content of anthraquinone and the amino acids that would be very useful for the skin because it helps the skin to instantly update itself to produce new cells and can eliminate dead skin cells. The flesh of the aloe leaf is also having a similar acidity to that of the man and well able to seep into the body also contain saponins that can serve as an anti-bacterial and anti fungal. Regular use can make your skin look healthy and beautiful glow. You can also use aloe vera as a face mask, because it also contains antioxidants that prevent premature aging.

Cooling effect of aloe vera jelly can be a first aid when you are suffering from burns or scalded. Can also be used for sore skin caused by excessive sun. Simply paste the flesh of the aloe vera on the injured area. The cold produced from the aloe vera will help the healing process.

Healthy with Aloe Vera
We have had many drinks are made with the use of aloe vera or aloe vera because these plants also have their uses for treatment. The flesh of the aloe vera can handle the heat in which can lead to ulcers or sore throat. Another benefit in the health sector is able to lower cholesterol. You can drink it in a way juiced or cooked. Instead, immediately if the flesh of the aloe vera after the peel, because if left in the open air will cause it to oxidize so diminished his usefulness and the meat will be brown.

Drinking or eating meat leaf aloe vera or aloe vera will also provide benefits for beauty. Aloe vera can also be used as a refreshing drink by adding sugar or honey plus water ice. The use of aloe vera or aloe vera for beauty can be enjoyed by purchasing cosmetics or beverages in containers that exist in the store or supermarket.

But, for those who want to try the usefulness of traditional, try to make this plant as one of the collections of living in your home pharmacy. This plant is easy to grow and not be bothered to care. In fact, this plant could close the pores of the leaves to the meeting so that it can live longer without watering. Indeed, aloe vera is a traditional way for the benefits of healthy and beautiful all at once for you.
